Sunday, April 29, 2012

Arrived Safely Yesterday (Apr. 28)

Hi guys,

I arrived safely to 30 degree Celsius weather! I also arrived to NO APARTMENT!!! Yeah, there was some issue with the girl before me not signing out and taking the keys... so now I have her apartment and the MASTER KEYS to the building. I get my real keys on Monday, along with internet that will cost me 70 Euros for the three months (it is 10 euro a month, plus 40 set up fee). Monday is also the first meeting with the Exchange Program.

Actually, a lovely girl (Erika) picked me up at the airport, despite my plane being an hour late. She waited forever for me. It was very kind. We caught a cab back to the apartments (it was about an eight minute drive.)

Also, the Security guard at the building who welcomed us and distributed our keys, was VERY nice. I got to use my German with him. He said it was very good (he may have just been polite). I think if he had been any different of a person, my entrance to Germany would have been very negative.

I am pretty lonely... and I was very tired... and I have noticed a trend between tiredness + travelling = lonely homesick Jess. I think I just need to remind myself to give myself some time to adjust. I might struggle with doing new things... hence things like restaurant disease (that my newfound allergies have not helped).

But today Erika and I are going to hunt down all the people from the program who are here already.

Ok, we are going to check out the area.

Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovely,

    I was feeling very lonely when I first arrived in Germany too! The best advice I can give is get sleep! The world is a totally different place after being well rested ;). Make sure you eat some nice meals too, and drink lots of water! If your body is happy, so are you :). That being said, I am in the same time zone as you, so feel free to contact me! I'm FB messaging you my cell number ;).
    Love and kisses!
