Saturday, July 21, 2012

Marbach & Schiller

Some photos of Marbach!

Here is the altstadt (old city centre):

They still have these hanging outside their businesses:
 Gaby and Andrea --> This is when Gaby treated us all to lunch!

Negar and Sara look like sisters sometimes.

Schiller statues everywhere. Even within statues!
 Some flowers we got from the Sparkasse (a bank). They were having their 150th anniversary! Scotiabank should hand out roses too. We walked ours down the street and then gave them to the Deutsch Literature Archive.
 We could see manuscripts there in the literature archive of some pretty famous people.

Another Schiller statue! He was constantly afraid he would die, so he had busts carved of himself and sent home to his parents all the time. He was a narcissist, but you can see that other people thought he was a big deal too. 

The Modern Literature Museum in Marbach contained manuscripts, and other goodies, from famous German authors over the last 150 years.

Franz Kafka

Walter Benjamin

Here is a book written in brail. It was huge.

Children stories that seemed familiar:

Heinrich Böll:

The famous Marlena Dietrich, the first bomb shell woman, sent a telegram! Here she thanks a famous children's writer for making her children laugh.

Hesse sent this package to a family member in 1937, and told them to not open the package until 2017. The package was donated to the museum, but never opened. I wonder what's in there.

More Kafka:

Christian Morgenstern:

Look! It's Kafka's fork!

This guy is wailing on his harp like a person would an electric guitar.

Here are what the archives looked like in the Modern History Museum:

Molly reading a book under the tree:

Sausage and forks go well together, don't they?
 Alley way in Marbach:
 Schiller's hat as a baby seems to resemble Helmbrecht's hat in the story "Helmbrecht" that I have been studying this semester:

I saw this statue of Schiller and Goethe in Weimar when I was there in 2009:

The house Schiller was born in:

And do end this post: here is me riding a lion nonchalantly: 

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