Sunday, May 27, 2012

Yesterday's challenge... was it a success? You tell me.

1) a hog
2) a church steeple (from an Evangelical Church)

3) something WWII related (how about this Jewish synagoge that was destroyed during WWII, but rebuilt with some of the original materials?)

4) a new trabant photo (postcards count!!!!, and if not then do signs??)
5) hedgehog

Well today was neat, as you can see. Today I walked with Fiona, Erika, and Mojdeh to Orangienburg Straße to see the Neue (new) Jewish Synagogue. Inside they had a museum that exhibited small wooden models and the history of other major Jewish Synagogues (some of which had been destroyed). They also had an art exhibit showing off some photos by a famous photojournalist who's name escapes me at this moment... But they were really good! We were not allowed to take any photos inside, not even when we went to the top of the steeple, and I didn't really understand why. Some unfortunate news though is that some neonazi's had tried attacking the synagogue recently, so there were police monitoring the outside, and when you go inside you have to go through a metal detector, and have your items x-rayed. It is nice that they can keep all of their documents and possessions so secure, but it is really a shame that they have to.

On the way the synagogue we walked by an artists squatting place. They cover the outside and inside with art (sculptures, graffiti, paintings, etc.), and people are welcomed to venture inside to check it out. I would like to return one day soon!

That was an actual giant cockroach sculpture sticking out of the wall.

Nearby was this funky building.

And yes, that is a ladies crotch in the photo. I thought I could have made it pass as the hedgehog for my photography hunt, but I think that was far too much of a stretch.

The outside of the Jewish Synagogue 

Mojdeh's Salad

My pasta, that I could only eat a few bites of. It was so filling!

After first dinner (or late lunch?) we went through some alley ways and came across a nice courtyard filled with tiny shops, and cafe's, all amongst apartments. It was really cute. Guess which one is my favourite!

Here is some of the courtyard.

And some more. You can see the Synagogue in the background.

And then near the back we found this inter-city tree-ouse! Or a fort... either way, it was amazing to see! Look at how cute it is!

We couldn't figure out how people got up there. There is no ladder.

From another angle: 

Here's that door frame again:

After our short adventure we started another one. It was to find a church across town, because next to it was a really nice restaurant. We decided to walk there along the canals. I felt like I was in Venice again.

Here is a neat shot of the tip of the "Museum Island". I haven't actually gone to that particular museum yet.

Keeping along the Canal we found one of the Berliners go-to spots on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

The people pictured below are very romantically dancing the tango. It gave me the chills to see so many people focused on their movements, with the music, while entranced by their partners. I wish I could dance.

And around the corner was the "Amplemann Cafe".

Here is one of the Berlin Bears guarding the entrance to a foot-passenger tunnel that goes under a busy street, and along the water. He seemed very capable of scaring those who may want to live under the tunnel.

Marx and Engles?

The T.V. Tower.

So we made it to the church where we were headed to. There was this cute little bear statue that I couldn't resist taking a photo of.

And we found our restaurant. Here's the view of my seat.

And to my left...

And facing me and Erika!!!

The food was really tasty. I had a "Rote Grütze mit Vanillasauße". It was like a berry sauce with vanilla on top. So tasty :)

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